— Yield farming from depths below —
Enter the Unknown
A coalition of the top BNB protocols forms Unknown. An ecosystem with continuous growth and development because our goal is to pool our combined resources for the benefit of BNB.

Some of our data metrics. Please check our dashboard for realtime updates.
— Liquidity provision made easy—
out of the void
Utilize Unknown's optimization to get more CONE and liquidity mining rewards with less effort!
Stake to grow
Earn Cone's protocol fees, shorter locking times (16 weeks instead of 4 years), and better bribes!
— Partners —
Have A voice
Control voting rights, make decisions on CONE emissions, collect protocol fees, and grow with Cone & Unknown.

— Any Questions?—
Any questions towards our protocol?
Unknown is a protocol for optimizing yield, voting rights and liquidity provision on Cone. Cone is a decentralized exchange (AMM) where tokens can be exchanged with user-provided liquidity. These users earn CONE emissions. Those who lock CONE will receive veCONE and a higher percentage of CONE rewards. veCONE or vote escrowed CONE is a concept first introduced by Curve Finance that aims to reward long-term users of a protocol. Those holding veCONE will receive trading rewards from the protocol as well as voting rights to direct CONE issuance.
When users deposit their veNFT or CONE, they automatically receive a proportional amount of unCONE (unCONE is minted 1:1 for deposited CONE). unCONE is a tokenized, fungible representation of 1 locked Unknown CONE. Due to the way Cone's rebase mechanism works, this position is never diluted as Unknown automatically converts rebased CONE to unCONE and passes this on to unCONE stakers.
The team behind Unknown is a coalition of multiple different teams (mainly the team of Sphere Finance and 0xLegion). Together, we are forging the next-generation of DeFi.
No. Unknown has been built without any external capital investments.
Unknown was built with safety and security in mind. However, there are inherent risks in interacting with smart contracts for decentralized finance. Multiple teams have thoroughly reviewed Unknown's smart contracts to identify potential vulnerabilities in the platform before launch.
Even so, the possibility of losing some or all of your money is not zero. Please use caution and work within your own risk limits when it comes to interacting with the platform.
Besides Unknown specific risks, users are also committed to all risks affecting the Unknown platform as we integrate directly with them. Please also read their documentation and risk statements before connecting to any of the platforms.